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    Use Memes to Sell More Yearbooks

    Use Memes to sell More Yearbooks

    You’ve definitely seen them.
    You’ve probably laughed or smiled at them.
    And you may have even passed them on.

    They’re memes.

    And while a popular meme might be good for a laugh or two, they’re also good for your yearbook business because they’re a good way to draw attention.


    A clever meme will spread quickly, and because it’s all done through social media, it doesn’t cost you a dime. Memes that are shared on social media can be widely spread from Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Viber and many more.

    You can also coordinate your memes with posters and flyers around school to help them spread.

    But first, you’ve got to make an attention-grabbing meme. There’s no knowing what it’s going to take to make a meme go viral, but there are certain guidelines to follow.



    How to Make a good meme


    Make it easy to replicate.


    Yes, it’s easy to copy and paste a meme, but there are also memes that people take and make their own. Make-your-own-meme sites let you get creative while making sure your meme is recognizable and easy for others to copy in their own way.


    Humor is key.


    Memes can be sad or pointed, but the most popular ones are humorous. Humor is something everyone enjoys and likes to share, the same way when you hear a joke you find funny you like to tell it to others.


    Work with popular existing memes.

    YBK-Memes-Baby   YBK-Memes-Wonka

    You can start from scratch, but it’s easier to work with visuals that people are already comfortable and familiar with. There are meme creation sites that provide you with meme visuals that are already popular. These include imgur, imagechef and memebetter.


    Try to relate it to your yearbook’s theme.

    This helps drive home your yearbook theme with your audience. The same way consumer products have a brand and like to stick to it, your yearbook’s theme is your brand for the year.


    Additional Resources

    Yearbook Marketing Ideas

    Explore this whole list of tips to promote your yearbook sales!

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