Custom Commencement Caps and Gowns
It’s that time of the year again. Time to watch your seniors walk across the stage. Time to see the excitement on their faces as they receive their diplomas. Time for congratulation hugs and good-bye tears. It’s a huge milestone in a child’s life and you want them to remember this moment forever.
The pride of this moment, the pride in their school, the pride as they move on to graduation. As you look around at the graduating class, you notice something is missing. All your students are in place, everyone is in a cap and gown…the cap and gown – it’s just a solid color gown. You may be asking yourself “Does a solid gown show pride and spirit at my graduation commencement?” Herff Jones offers a list of custom products that promote pride; Custom Gowns are at the top of that list.
Custom Gowns Stimulate Aspirations and Accomplishments
Herff Jones offers one-of-a-kind Custom Rentals gowns and second-to-none Custom Keeper gowns. Custom gowns are specifically designed with school pride in mind. School pride built with crests, insignias and your school colors. Best of all, custom gowns promote school spirit and increase a student’s strong desire to achieve more.
Custom gowns increase School Spirit!
Did you know that students with school spirit do more than show support for their school? They perform better academically, are more socially and civically engaged, and are happier in general than their less-spirited peers. What’s more, the majority of principals (92%) feel that high school spirit is tied to high student achievement.
Why they are awesome!
As one principal explained “School spirit if the heartbeat of the school.” And 83% of Principals said their school drives school spirit by promoting Graduation Events and Custom Caps and Gowns.
Mark Your Mark on Graduation. Your students aren’t just graduating from high school; they are graduating fromyour high school. As one student put it, School Spirit means “being proud to represent our mascot; that we should not be afraid to stand out.”
Additional Resources
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before High School
High school is a time when teenagers are beginning their transition into young adults. It’s a time when just about everyone is socially awkward, but only a few are wise enough to know that’s the case. It can probably best be described by the opening line of Charles Dickens novel, …
One Frame, One Tree: Herff Jones Tree
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Learn how Herff Jones and Framing Success are partnering with Trees for the Future to support the environment.
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When we talk about the importance of having a diverse workforce, we mean more than gender, race, age, etc. It’s also about a commitment to employing staff and aligning with partners who have a rich variety of life experiences.
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