Back to Graduation

    Did someone say, “Graduation Party?”


    Because if they did we’ve got a few suggestions to help make it the best graduation party ever.

    Photo Backdrop

    Every party is a photo op just waiting to happen. The best way to remember yours is with a really creative photo banner to take pictures of family and friends in front of. Maybe include your graduation year. Ideas include a chalkboard painted background. Or the shape of the state where the graduate will be going to school the next year. Or perhaps a montage of photos from family and friends. Go crazy and have some fun with it.

    Balloons, balloons and more balloons

    Big balloons. Helium-filled balloons. Balloons filled with confetti. Balloons that people can twist into fun shapes. Balloons to tie on the mailbox out front to let people know where the party is. You can never go wrong with lots of balloons. Maybe put graduation caps on top of some of the balloons.



    Keep with the graduation theme by having cookies and appetizers shaped like grad hats or rolled up like a diploma scroll. Maybe use traditional food from the area of the country where the graduate will be moving to or attending college.

    Strings of outdoor lights

    Strings of outdoor lights improve any backyard, and they draw people outside so they’re not cluttering up the house. You can use then to hang banners from as well.


    Be sure to put little notices all around of what hashtag you want people to use when posting to social media. That way it’s so much easier to find the photos later. Example: #PamsGradPartyDallas


    Set it and forget it drink supply

    Rather than having to constantly replenish a cooler, why not get a couple kiddie pools and fill them with tons of ice and a huge amount of drink options.

    Card Display

    You don’t want to have to keep opening cards while you’re trying to socialize. Instead have a card table that you can direct people to, along with a holder on that table they can put their cards in. One suggestion is to get a vintage suitcase from a thrift store, cut a big enough slit in the top for cards and hang a sign near it that says, “I’m off to [COLLEGE NAME]” or some other travel-related phrase.

    Easy Environmentally-friendly Clean Up

    Place separate baskets around the house and grounds with labels on them for recycling. Some can be labeled trash but others for glass or plastic – depending on how detailed and specific they recycling is in your home town.


    Old Photos

    It’s fun for family and friends to see your journey through high school or college with photos everywhere. Remember, not everyone at the party was there for every memorable moment in your life. So, lots of photos are a great way to share your memories. Find fun ways to display them. You don’t have to be limited to just frames. Dangle them from balloons. Tape them to cups. Make a wreath out of them. Put them on stakes and line both sides of the driveway. Have fun.

    Unique Guest Book

    Guestbooks are a great way to remember who stopped by and who should get a thank you note. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be fun. Example: Have people sign a globe, or a suitcase to signify travel.

    Take Home Bags

    It doesn’t have to be all about you. Share the love by having some take home bags for your guests. Fill it with items that are related to the graduate’s life. It doesn’t have to be big expensive things. Example: If the graduate plays guitar, include a guitar pick in the take home bag.

    Graduation parties are a great way for families and friends to get together. You’re not only getting together for fun, but you’re also celebrating a terrific achievement in someone’s life. So have fun, make it all about the graduate and provide lots of fun photo opportunities.


    Additional Resources

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