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    Yearbook Inspiration

    Herff Jones Showcase

    Inspiration is only a few clicks away in our Showcase Collection. View the hottest and most current trends in yearbook design and get your creative juices flowing.


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    Create a Staff Recruitment Plan

    Don’t tell anyone, but yearbook advisers are really more like coaches than teachers. Like coaches, yearbook advisers provide training in fundamentals and skills, they motivate and challenge, and they stress teamwork.

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    Top 10 Tips for Developing a Theme or Concept

    You can’t pull a theme out of a hat. Take a moment with these brainstorming suggestions to pick the perfect unifier for your school this year.

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    Use Memes to Sell More Yearbooks {display: none;}Use Memes to sell More YearbooksYou’ve definitely seen them.You’ve probably laughed or smiled at them.And you may have even passed them on.They’re memes.And while a popular meme might be good for a laugh or two, they’re also good for your yearbook business because they’re a good way to …

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