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    Buy a Senior Yearbook Ad

    It’s been a long and hopefully not too rocky road and your child is finally a senior in high school. As hard as it is to accept it, they are have grown up. Before you send them off to college to fend for themselves,show them just how proud you are of them for all of their hard work and incredible accomplishments with an ad in their senior yearbook. You can add personal photos, special memories and a unique message to honor and congratulate them in a way they’ll be able to cherish for years to come. Contact your school’s yearbook adviser for more details.

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    Things to Include on a Senior Yearbook Ad

    • A personal message
      • Take some time to pen a personal, sentimental message for your graduate. Tell them how proud you are and why. You could even include memories, inside jokes and nicknames.
    • Photos
      • Include baby photos, photos with siblings, pets, grandparents and friends. Throw in some cute and funny photos (ones that may slightly embarrass but that you cherish so much!)
    • The Year
      • Some senior ads include the year they are graduating, i.e. “Senior 2016”
    • Meaningful quotes/Verses
      • Many times, a quote close to a senior’s heart and/or representative of who they are will be included on the ad. Some parents choose to include meaningful Bible verses, as well.

    Keep in mind, this is a tribute ad to your student that many other parents and students will see. Make it a tasteful page to celebrate them by excluding any type of profanity, nudity, alcohol, drugs, etc. — or any reference to these things.

    Additional Resources

    10 Tips for Writing Copy

    These tips can help you write effective yearbook copy.

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    My Life Beyond Yearbooks

    Giovanni Montalvo didn’t get his yearbook portrait taken his senior year at Cinco Ranch High School. Or his junior, or sophomore or freshman year. He can’t really remember why. He was still interviewed for his senior yearbook and even made a video, “My Life Through Yearbooks,” (above) which has more …

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    Style Sheet for Writing Copy

    Use this style sheet as a starting point for your staff. You will need to set rules that pertain to your school. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal when observing style rules is to be consistent within your publication.

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