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    Countdown Craftiness

    ‘Tis the season to take a step back from the computer. That’s right. Put down the spreads. Take one step back. Now another. Now a deep breath.

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    Show Appreciation from the Beginning of the Year

    As yearbook advisers, you get it and the last thing you want to do is to cause unnecessary interruptions, but — in order to do your job and tell the stories that make this year unique — you will need to interrupt classes.

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    Getting to Know Your Team

    A well-trained yearbook staff is a finely tuned machine where everyone chips in to help so that deadlines are met and the book is the best it can be. Done well, it is a true testament to the power of working together as a team.

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    How to Crop a Photo for Maximum Impact

    Choices in cropping can improve the images that were not composed perfectly in the camera, completely change the format of an image to better fit its usage, or even tell an entirely different story.

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    Conquering Group Photo Day

    Use this step-by-step plan to conquer group photo day!

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