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    What to Wear on School Picture Day


    Getting the best school pictures is easy once you know the tricks of the trade.

    Seeing the changes that take place over 12-13 years of school is fun for parents most immediately and becomes fun for the actual subjects much later. When the windowed envelopes are distributed by the homeroom teachers, it’s often a time of either sharing or frantically trying to hide them as fast as possible. Either way, they are a reality for anyone who attends school.

    Getting the best looking pictures is important to all parties involved and is easily achievable if you know the tricks of the trade. Choosing a shirt color that flatters your skin tone should be on the top of your list. Not sure what colors look best on you, check this out. Once you’ve determined whether you have cool or warm skin tones you’ll want to select a top that flatters your tone. Think solid and either bright or dark colors as they will show up best and provide the greatest contrast to skin tones on various background colors.

    Whatever you decide to wear, it’s best to stay away from busy patterns like plaids and polka dots. No matter how cute the outfit might be, the pattern will distract from your facial features and that’s really what you and your mom want to see after all.

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